Gate 39 - Obstruction - The Gate of Provocation - Human Design

Gate 39 - Obstruction - The Gate of Provocation. 

The value of obstruction in provoking analysis, assessment, and re-evaluation

This gate is in the individual knowing circuit and is about empowerment. 

With a pressure to find passion and spirit in life, you are here to provoke the spirit of others, to find out who is suitable for you and not. Those who find you annoying or are bothered by your provocative nature are just not meant for you. It's mechanical, not personal. Because of this, it is essential to develop a thick skin. 

Being a part of the individual circuit, this "gonna do it my way" energy already lies in this gate. It is also one of the gates of deafness, selective hearing. Meaning you are not here to be easily influenced. You don't go along with the BS of the world, and this deafness helps you stay on your path. 

This gate can be expressed in different manners, as in harshly, challenging, lightheartedly, poking, teasing, or flirting. I find that the more the person lives in their not-self theme, be it frustration, anger, bitterness, or disappointment, the more immature the provocation is. This can lead to provoking for harm's sake or becoming exceedingly provoked yourself. When this occurs, there is a lack of senselessness, and the provoking creates more chaos than the room for expansion and mutation. 

My husband has this in his unconscious sun. I have a love-hate relationship with this part of him. I like to think it is because my emotional waves influence what I can tolerate, but that might be immature thinking. And an extreme sensitivity to thinking I've done something wrong and that I am in some way not good enough. I swear to the goddess above he was sent to me to teach me that I, in fact, have done nothing wrong and am worthy as I am. And I love how he can poke and tease the best out of me; when I am in the mood. I am still an emotional manifestor with the 12-22 channel… 

Watching him coach his clients, I fall in love all over again. The way he can poke and probe, how he sees the spirit, the potential, the freedom within the other person and teases it out of them. Sometimes in a challenging manner, but always with a twinkle in his eye. It's a gift I'm blessed to observe.

I have seen him grow into the expression of this gate and the different levels of expression that have come with his own personal work and growth over the years. How more thoughtful he is to timing and where the other person is. How he has grown into the standing firm in the uncomfortable silence necessary for the kind of expansion he is here to create room for in the other. 

My best friend has this gate as her personal sun, and she summed it up this way; "I like to see what happens to people when I challenge why they do things in a specific way." 

Patience, timing, and rough skin are critical for this gate. 

When you don't have gate 55, beware of the pressure provoking you into excesses, like substance abuse. The potential for pleasure in this gate is vast. If there is a pleasure that can not be achieved by provoking someone, that pressure to provoke any possible way to find that pleasure. If you are not mindful, you can find yourself using alternatives that aren't necessarily healthy. 

Be mindful of your actions, asking why am I doing this. Is this a need that is itching - or is this truly me? <3 

And always remember, you are your entire chart; it's all interacting at once. 

Peace out, Pokemon’s. 


Gate 19 - Approach - The Gate of Wanting - Human Design


Gate 41 - Decrease - The gate of contraction - Human Design