Gate 41 - Decrease - The gate of contraction - Human Design

Gate 41 - Decrease - The gate of contraction. 

The limitation of resources which maximizes development of potential

This is a gate coming out of the root moving towards gate 30 in the Solar Plexus, the center for emotions. Where we find the desire for all human experience and pressure to feel. It's a collective energy, wanting to share that experience with others. 

This gate holds every human experience available to us, but no matter how many fantasies and dreams this gate brings, the discipline here is "decrease." Learning how to decrease the number of fantasies we think we will experience or dream to. Finding a way to channel these fantasies into writing, daydreaming, and vicariously living through movies or books. And finding the balance between realism and fantasy. 

The hard truth; you are not here to experience every single fantasy you have but to stay grounded in one thing at a time. One realistic dream at a time. To experience that to the fullest, share what you have learnt and move on to the next fantasy. 

Accepting this hard truth was and is not easy for me. I have this gate in my conscious Jupiter. The planet of Law and Protection, and possible expansion.

My oh my, am I a dreamer. I also have a completely open head, the gate of ideas as my unconscious sun, and I am a manifestor. This shit ain't made to be easy. I am constantly dreaming of better things and other things. I'm good at reminding myself the grass is no greener than where I water it, but I still know a big part of me stays in an endless fantasy world and neglects to take action. 

What to learn from this gate is narrowing down and being realistic. It's essential to find an outlet for the pressure of desire in our wildest fantasies, to not have them all spinning in our mind, never taking action in real life. 

Learning to accept that I am here to have a wild fantasy about all the possible human experiences there are to have but that not all of them are meant for me is a ride. (Did I mention that my view is possibilities?) I'm, without a doubt, still coming to terms with this. So far, these are the lessons: let go of expectations and understand that there is a desire to experience emotion underneath each fantasy. 

Behind the fantasy of moving to an exotic island is to experience new tastes, sights, and smells. So I ask myself: how can I satisfy that desire in my day-to-day life? Find an exotic recipe and try that. Be more mindful of the smell of the food and nature I experience daily. Gratitude for what I have. Narrowing down to what I need now in this moment, finding the one realistic fantasy I can take action on. 

The fantasy vacation in the Maldives or St. Martin for the summer is grounded in significance and financial abundance. I turn this into: how can I take care of my basic needs so I don't have this need for others to approve? Water, air, movement, nutrition, meditation, time alone, time to be creative. How can I feel wealthy every day? Running water, a roof overhead, safe space, food in the fridge. Grounding in gratitude for what I have. 

The answer to this gate is simple: let go of expectations, get grateful for what you have, and narrow the fantasies to one at a time so you actually can take action. 

Beware of becoming unrealistic, having high expectations, being too dreamy, and wanting more than is reasonable. The gift is keeping an open mind grounded in gratitude for what you have while being open for whatever will come. 

Sometimes less is more. 


Gate 39 - Obstruction - The Gate of Provocation - Human Design


The Root Center - Human Design