Gate 60 - Limitation - The Gate Of Acceptance - Human Design

Gate 60 - Limitation - The Gate Of Acceptance

The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence.

Individual energy is highly mutative. The word "mutation" shows up often in human design, and the way I read it is "change at a cellular level."

In this gate, we have pressure from the root towards the sacral gate 3 - the gate of ordering. Only having gate 60 can create significant discomfort in the chaos that comes with change.

With this gate, you have pressure to mutate, to go beyond limitations, beyond the range. Still, it is through acceptance of the limitations you have that it is possible. There is a gift of being good at what life has given you and making the best out of everything. And the key here is seeing the actual limitations and knowing what is realistic.

There is pressure from the root to expand and evolve, and gate 60 asks you to look at what you have and let go of reaching beyond it.

My husband has gate 60 in his unconscious moon. His driving force. And studying this gate reminded me of a story.

In 2007 when he was working as a concrete worker and photographing on the side, today he is an international wedding photographer. (and can we take a moment to appreciate that my first line profile husband was earlier working with concrete, the foundation of buildings! I find it interesting.)

We had just started our lives together. Everything was new and exciting, only a year into our relationship.

I came home from work to our sad basement apartment with slivers for windows, and he was cutting into a Kellogg's cereal box. Next to him was a ruler, glue, and 500 black straws.

I asked him what in all heavens name was he making this time. It's not the first DIY project I had seen him do. He looks up and says, "I'm making a grid!".

This was when photography stores in Norway didn't have the best selection, and online shopping was expensive due to shipping costs. So he, as he always does, asked, "what can I do with this?" and made his own.

A grid is something you attach to your flash to center the light more. He had measured up the flash, cut over 100 black straws in 3-inch length, and glued them together inside the part of the Kellogg's box he cut out. He used black duct tape to cover up the cereal box, and et voila! He had a grid.

Talk about making lemons into lemonade.

I am still, to this day, impressed by the way he makes the best of any limitation. Of any situation. And writing this, I'm reminded to appreciate this quality about him more.

It's easy to fixate on what you can not achieve or change and what lies beyond reach. There is uncertainty and impatience in not understanding why you must deal with this. This can lead to restlessness and even exhaustion from trying to create change before the right timing and not listening to your inner authority on where to use this energy.

What is out of reach now might not always be out of reach. Live life without expectations and make lemonade out of those lemons - or whatever analogy you want to put on the limitations you find in your life. You have the ability to make the best of what you have now, and that is a sexy trait.

Limitations never stop with this gate. You never transcend your way out of limitations, just the ones you have in this moment. To be given new limitations to transcend and continue the process through this life.

Without acceptance of the limitations, there is potential for deep depression.


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Gate 52 - Keeping Still (Mountain) - The Gate Of Stillness - Human Design