The Root Center - Human Design

The Root has been one of the most important centers for me to get to know. This is where we process stress, adrenaline, and pressure. In this day and age where stress is the leading killer, we need to understand our unique way of processing stress. And how to deal with it healthily.

Simply said; 

Undefined Root - you are taking in pressure from the outside. There is constant pressure to get whatever is on your to-do list done, so you can get rid of the pressure. You never do get rid of it, though. You might be the person that gets everything done straight away, hoping you will be rewarded. Still, I bet you find yourself getting more work from your boss, and that's not the reward you wanted. 

(This could partially also apply to an open ego. Put the two together, and you have the fastest way to burn out. Even if the undefined Root alone is prone to that.) 

Defined Root - you have your own timing, your own inner pressure, your own time frame for how, when, and where to get whatever needs to get done, done. People might try to rush you, but the on and off pulsation of the Root is here to guide you on when to act and not.

Stress is important in our lives. Stress helps you get shit done; it's up to us to ensure it's the right shit. When we use this pressure from the Root from a place of stillness and joy - we will find that we can endure the pressure we take on, always using our strategy and authority to guide us. But we all need to find the stillness, defined or undefined. 

What I find most important in learning about my defined Root is this: just because it is defined does not mean it is healthy. Mine wasn't. 

I found myself obsessive. And obsessive is not unusual for me as a manifestor. Anyone watching my creative cycles would call it obsessive behavior. Still, I was obsessing and using my internal pressure on all the wrong things. I was initiating wildly from the mind and what sounded good, not from stillness and clarity. I was not allowing my strategy and authority to guide me and the timing.

When I stopped, and I mean stopped. Slowed the fuck down. I started slow stretching on my yoga mat, noticing how these waves of "this action is not good enough" would pop up, thinking I needed to be active, rush, and get somewhere and NOW. Thanks to my undefined heart telling me to work, cause "HELLO, THE PULSE IS ON, THE ADRENALINE IS HERE, WHY NOT USE IT?" And I continued to stretch, lay still, and notice it. Stay with it. Because just because the pulse is on doesn't mean I know where to direct that energy. 

Back to strategy and authority. What is the urge coming through? Who do I need to inform, ride the wave and decide if this urge is correct, or is it just a good idea?

I could accept that my mind was not responsible for the timing of my initiations. I saw, accepted the pressure, and got comfortable with my inner pressure. It was when I got still and allowed myself to find the joy and the energetic pull of my entire body towards the urge. That's when I could feel; "Ready, set, GO," and this time from my authority. 

This was and is no easy task. I have dedicated my time to working with my Root. Using meditation and grounding exercises to slow down my nervous system and take care of my adrenaline glands. It's not done in a day, a week, or a month. This is lifelong work. Yes, it will get easier along the way, but there will always be times when I run the show and use the pressure from my Root on the wrong resources. 

But that, my darling, is life.


Gate 41 - Decrease - The gate of contraction - Human Design


How my love for Human Design started